Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ramblings of a Blissful Mind

I am so very high,
Ah this lovely feeling.
As I listen to beautiful songs,
This world a beautiful dream.

Ah so full of love,
Pure, white as a dove.
Flying high in the sky,
As I see time fly by.

Ah that beautiful fragrance,
The stars shown in the sky.
Looking up at the dark beauty,
Lost in this wonderful trance.

Such fun it is to mess around,
To lose control, inhibitions.
Leaving behind all fears,
Myself becoming intrepid.

Ah the pinnacle of life,
Immortality becomes you.
Ah this purity of happiness,
Eternity becomes you.

Highness is the way of being,
Where there is no artifice.
All perfidy lost in oblivion,
Limpid purity reigning supreme.

So intoxicating this feeling,
It becomes the healing.
This tranquil state of existence,
Harmony devoid of all pretense.

Ah this torrential flow of thoughts,
Thoughts so eloquent, so articulate.
Devoid of all that is perfunct,
The quotidian lost in oblivion.

Lost are those jarring feelings,
There is no envy, no hatred.
The incubus destroyed, love so beautiful
The world a whirlwind, romantic fantasy.

Oh how I wish I had a girl,
A girl so cute, so pleasant.
A profusion of utter bliss,
The blossoming of all that is.
I wish she were in my arms,
Full of her feminine charms.
Ah what a spectacular dream,
So beautiful the vision does seem.

All pretense is washed away,
The ostentatious lost.
From the wilderness comes the real,
The true meaning of thee.

So soulful life becomes,
The complete embodiment of it.
So serene this world becomes,
Lost in the beauty unseen.

Love is such a beautiful feeling,
Whether of human, music or thing.
Ah it is a world so blissful,
And the only gate is LOVE.

Ah so versatile is love,
The one integrating factor.
It is of art and nature,
And of existence together.
It is the divine creation,
The veracity of true existence.

Fecundity of endeavours lost,
What matters is the endeavour.
This blissful journey that is life,
A journey to revere.

Ah such ostentatious beings we are,
Goading over our material gains.
But in this true lightness of being,
It is the core that we gain.

Ah this gray world so white,
Black lost, there is no plight.
This is such an ecstatic flight,
This world, a heavenly sight.

The music flows through your body,
Touching the very depths of thee.
Oh this torrent of pure bliss,
Drops of heaven bathing thee.

Oh this rhythmic deluge of passion,
Emanating from the burried core.
Pervasive, spreading through the body,
Making you one and whole.

Alleviation of all uncertainities,
All ambiguities disappear.
Negativity an obscure concept,
Life a pellucid clarity.

The beauty of this uncorrupted mind,
A mind to devoid of deception.
Shed is the eternal veil,
Prolonged, the ephemeral moments of being.

Comes forth the ardent curiosity,
The ardousness all but forgotten.
The vague path so articulately drawn,
Refulgent in its beautiful simplicity.

All fears, apprehension shed,
All inhibitions have fled.
At last I am truly free,
Free, to be me.
To sway to the beat of my heart,
To live and feel my own music.
Free to rise in this world,
To be me in this blissful journey.

I see all the walls crumble,
As I rejoice in my nakedness.
I am no more the arcane being,
Layed bare are all aspects.

Now this unearthly bliss,
Is forever with me.
Like the panache of Ronaldo's game,
Life is meant to be.

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